Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Gremlin Turns 4!

I will eventually get back to the story of this crazy ride called life, but today is a day of celebration. The Gremlin turns 4 today. At 4:22 p.m. to be exact. Four! Where does the time go??? The time has gone, but it has been absolutely amazing. It's been a learning experience. It's been happy, sad, maddening, and just about every emotion in between. It's been life at it's finest.

Raising The Gremlin has been an absolute pleasure. Yes, there have been more than enough times where I wanted to pull my hair out and lock myself in the bathroom. But all in all it's been wonderful. Watching him learn and grow, seeing him test out walking, and speaking those first words. Getting to experience all his first and the moments he tried something new. Hearing the great things he has had to say. It's been nothing short of wonderful.

He's growing into such a smart and funny boy. He has this one of a kind sassy attitude. He's so incredibly loving and giving. He's everything I could have ever have hoped for and so much more. He is going to be a great individual and I am so proud to call him my son.

Happy fourth birthday, Gremlin! May your upcoming year bring you as much happiness and laughter as you bring me. I love you. <3

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