Sunday, July 1, 2012

And Just Like That...It All Falls Down.

Dear God,

I'm sorry. For whatever I did in this life or a past one to deserve all that has come my way. I know that they say "God never gives you more than you can handle". I think I've had enough. In fact, I know I have. And I'm sorry. Sorry that I haven't been good enough. Sorry I haven't tried hard enough. Sorry I haven't given enough. Sorry I haven't been there enough. I know I'm unloveable, yet I still believed. I know I'm not meant for a forever, yet I still hoped for one. I know I'm not meant to touch those dreams, yet I kept dreaming anyway. I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Just please, please leave my heart alone for a while. It's reached it's limit. It can't do this anymore. Take the pieces, whatever is left. It's never going to fit back together again now. So just take it. I don't want it. I get it, I meant for nothing more than a life of let down. Fine. Take my heart, take my hope, take it all. Because I don't want them anymore ever. I don't want to see and feel what I can't have. You only get to live this life once, so please just let me live. That's all I want. Just let me live for a while. Please. I know, I don't deserve to ask for anything. And I shouldn't. But what's the point of living when it's a life of let down? I don't want happiness, love, wealth...any of that. Just let me live. Let me be with my son. And just be. Please?


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