Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Rawr, rawr, rawr!

Grump, grump, grump! Yes, that should officially be my name. Hi, my name is Rawr rawr rawr Grump grump grump, get off my lawn! That's just the type of mood I have been in. But really mostly at night. You know when you have nothing important to do or anyone to distract you so you think. And in the words of Winnie the Pooh "Think, think, think.". It's horrendous.

And what pray tell do I think about? Everything and anything that causes me to be disappointed. Disappointed in myself. Disappointed in my life. Let's make that word my middle name because it just keeps cropping up everywhere.

No seriously, I really wonder why when you decide to take a step forward it almost always brings you three steps backwards at some point. What IS that?! I hate it. And it's become the story of my life for as long as well...I don't know, always it seems like. Do I not have enough momentum? Not enough cheer pep and determination? I know I'm short, but man, I shouldn't need to get a running jump to get my life going.

And let me just say while I'm on this mini rampage, who the hell needs friends? Surely not me. I'm a great loner. I've learned that about myself. But it does make me wonder, am I a crappy friend and that's why I seem to have no friends? Is it because I have such a hard time relating to people of or around my own age? Do I just have "Unapproachable" stamped on my forward? It seems to me that I am not worthy of friendship, but I am GREAT for everyone and their mother to unload their lives stories on. Why me? Am I really that broken? I'm talking beyond duct tape and super glue broken. Don't even bother with electrical tape or staple guns. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

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