Monday, October 24, 2011

Don't Judge Me!

Yeah, yeah, I have a blog and I neglect it just like everyone else! And I guarantee it will happen more than once after this. So don't judge!

Things have been insanely hectic. My dad has been in a rehab center getting physical and occupational therapy for the past almost three weeks. Yes, he is closer to home, which is nice. However, this also means I spend an abundant amount of time there so nothing here is getting done. Nothing. At all.

I've also been completing training at my new job. Boy, has that been fun! It's like high school all over again, I swear. I just keep telling myself "You're here to work. You're here for the job. You need to make money. Do NOT strangle anyone!". That last part is a joke....or is it?...

So I haven't gotten to do anything. Everything is piling up. Laundry, cleaning, blogging. There is no time in the day for anything. And to top it off, The Gremlin has apparently decided to make up for the fact that he was never a terrible two or three by being a god awful four. Fun times are being had by all.

Speaking of The Gremlin, here are some recent gems:

It seems that my son has developed all kinds of new quirks while I've been diligently learning my new job. For example, when something doesn't go his way, or if someone drops something, or if something on tv happens he now goes "waaah waaah waaaaaaah". That's right, that noise you hear on tv that sounds like drawn out trumpet noises....please tell me you know what I'm talking about? It's borderline hysterical. I have no idea where he heard it or picked it up from, but it amuses me to no end.

This past weekend we went to my cousin's house and carved pumpkins. Two we carved with faces and one we carved out to stick my cousin's four month old son in. I kid you not (haha, I didn't even make that joke on purpose!). Little G was in his "baby's first Halloween" costume and we were taking full advantage of the moment, damn it! So we carved out this ridiculous pumpkin and set everything up in front of my cousin's dark brown couch. The Gremlin was not thrilled with this idea. In fact he said "You know, grammy did a really good job watching that baby the other day." as if insinuating that maybe she would be the best person to entrust Little G with. Then he flapped his arms around saying "No, no, don't do it. It's not a good idea.". Oh little man, I think that freaking way too adorable pictures prove otherwise!

P.s. If anyone finds my cute, goes to bed on time without a fuss, doesn't throw hissy fits ever son, could you please return him? I miss him terribly....Haha, just kidding...sort of. :o)

1 comment:

  1. ooooh lisa, that cracks me up. i can soo picture him saying all that stuff too. i cant wait to see him sooon. =]
