Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Time to Take Stock in Umbrellas!

Note to self: Never, and I mean NEVER, use the term "When it rains, it pours" again! Sheesh, who knew that would snowball into a virtual hurricane of issues. And not just minor issues, I'm not talking "I misplaced my phone charger and I'm leaving for a three day weekend" kind of issue. We're talking big issues, life changing issues. Involving a boss, a parent, and a grandparent.

We'll start with the parent. As I mentioned, my dad had a problem with his foot. He's diabetic, so a problem with a foot is a major issue. It started as a crack in his heel that wouldn't heal no matter what was put on it or was prescribed to him. It then turned into a big problem when it became infected and got worse and worse until my dad couldn't even walk. He had a cat scan, he had doctor visits, and somewhere along the line the ball was dropped, he was not seen soon enough, and to make a long involved story short- they had to amputate. Yesterday actually. They put the surgery off twice (the surgeon was ill) and finally went through with it. It was hard to accept, hard to deal with, and man it sucks preparing yourself for something like that two days in a row to have the surgery postponed over a weekend to a Monday! It went well, my dad is resting (hopefully) comfortably and the road to recovery is going to be a long one. But he's alive and he's in fairly good spirits considering. Plus now he gets to crack all kinds of jokes like "Now I'm half a foot shorter!" and make his nurses feel all kinds of uncomfortable. I'm concerned about what's going on in his head and how he's handling this, but my dad is old school. Blue collar, no non-sense, do not talk about your feelings kind of old school. So it's hard to tell. He's coping, but unfortunately there's no way to tell just how well or not well he's coping.

On to the grandparent- This past Sunday, the day before my dad's surgery, my 87 year old grandfather was having a problem with heartburn that persisted over Saturday into Sunday and he had a fever. So my mother shuttled him off to the nearest Emergency room. He shuffled in on his own slippered feet only for us to find out after an EKG that he had a heart attack. He was then shuttled off by ambulance to a different hospital...you guessed it, the same one my father has been residing at for the past two weeks, just a different floor. Grampy is doing well, being put on different medications, and complaining wholeheartedly about the hospital food. He goes from warm fuzzy little old Grampy to grumpy miserable bear Grampy. And my grandmother, as sweet as she is, is one hundred percent convinced that it has nothing to do with his diet (this from the woman who would make a bologna and cheese sandwich and put butter on it) but is directly resulting from my grandfather's daily intake of maybe, MAYBE, 6 oz. of diet coke each day. Oh, Grammy!

And last but certainly not least, my boss, bless his 80 year old heart, had a stroke two weekends ago. As you may (or probably more likely may not) recall, I had an interview two and a half weeks ago. Well, I GOT THE JOB! So that following Monday as I promised myself, I put on my "big girl panties" (let me clarify, this means I was a Big Girl, not that I put on a large size pair of underwear from added roominess and comfort on such an important day!) and marched into work to deliver my two weeks notice. Unfortunately, shortly after that we found out my boss had a stroke while away for the weekend. Total buzz kill. He's doing well, he's actually in his office right now (here I go, blogging at work again! This is the slowest point of the season...I think customers are afraid to come in because we are immediately up in their faces begging for some human interaction and a sale...) doing a preseason order with a rep. All is not one hundred percent, but my boss is a tough cookie and I have no doubt that he will be back to as close as one hundred percent as he can get in no time!

So that, dear readers (Are you there??? Hello? Hellllloooo???), is why I have been MIA for the last however many days, weeks, it's been. If it's not one thing it's another and I swear to you that has been the way my life has gone for a long, loooong time. Sometimes, or rather more often than not, it borders on ridiculous. Like I find myself looking up and thinking silently "Really? REALLY?" and I am not a religious person in the least bit. A little bit of a break in the craziness would be fantastic instead of wave upon wave of things coming up. It gets to a point where I feel like I can't have a normal life. I won't be able to have the husband, kids, house, white picket fence, and dog I've always wanted because my insane life will forever be throwing a wrench in the works. I hope this isn't true. I really hope this is just some silly fear I harbor, but I don't know. It seems more and more likely that I'm always going to be dealing with something and not working towards the  goals I have in mind (and heart). But we'll see. I'm hoping that getting this new job is a shining beacon of sanity and accomplishment that will lead the way towards bigger and better things. Maybe I won't be single forever, maybe I won't have to resort to becoming a cat lady, maybe a night life of bingo won't be my fate! Maybe.

Gremlin Gem- Here's a good one. I was driving to....somewhere that I can't remember now this weekend and I went down a side street. I was driving my dad's Escape (which I have fallen in love with over the last two weeks and he may never get back) and right in front of me was one of those silly little cars, you know the little hatchbacks with room enough for the driver and a box tic tacs, and the tic tacs might be pushing it. Now, the girl driving it was trying to perform some sort of tom-foolery car manuever from the right side (my side) of the road to the left (I guess she was attempting to  reverse directions. Clearly she's not from this area where there's eight hundred side streets that lead you back to where you came from, where you were going, and potentially even to where you didn't know you wanted to be!). I don't know who gave this girl her license but they should be fired post haste! She performed an 89 1/2 point turn for about five minutes in the middle of the road. Come on! Your car is barely bigger than The Gremlin's matchbox cars! It's not that difficult! This is a normal size road! Hell, it's bordering on slightly larger than average sized road! So there we were stuck watching this ridiculous show of poor driving ability with cars lining up behind us and cars lining up on the opposite side of us. I muttered under my breath "Friggin' idiot" not realizing I had a four year old with super hearing in the back. The Gremlin immediately shrieked "Mumma! Do NOT say bad words. That's not how you treat your friends!". Friends? I don't know this girl nor would I ever want to associate with her, her inability to make a simple three point turn in the aforementioned three points directly shows her problem with decision making and well brains in general. I apologized, "I'm sorry buddy, thank you for reminding me." to which my son full of far too much attitude for his four years replied far too smugly "It was my pleasure.". Really?! Really.

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