Friday, April 12, 2013

I don't know, I don't know, I. DON'T. KNOW.!!!

I'm frustrated.

With a lot of things.

And I can't fix any of them.

So how do you let go of the frustration?

Also, why is it so hard for someone to help another person, but do it the way the person wants to be helped?  It would just be so much easier for Person A to go along with how Person B wants to be helped. But no, Person A has to do it the way Person A wants to do. Which is only going to cause Person B to no longer want the help even though they need it and then there will be tension between Person A and Person B and I, Person C, will have to hear alllllll about it allllll the time! Oi.

Also, also, why does Person A have to make things more difficult with Person D and Person E? Person A knows that Person D and Person E are impossible, don't know what they are doing, and make a mess of certain situations. So, Person A gets mad and steps back when all they really need to do is make a phone call that Person D was attempting to make for them which would make the call shorter, would get what was suppose to be accomplished accomplished, and no one would be mad at anyone else! Voila.

You know, this all boils down to one thing, one solution....I NEED A VACATION.

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