Friday, April 12, 2013

I don't know, I don't know, I. DON'T. KNOW.!!!

I'm frustrated.

With a lot of things.

And I can't fix any of them.

So how do you let go of the frustration?

Also, why is it so hard for someone to help another person, but do it the way the person wants to be helped?  It would just be so much easier for Person A to go along with how Person B wants to be helped. But no, Person A has to do it the way Person A wants to do. Which is only going to cause Person B to no longer want the help even though they need it and then there will be tension between Person A and Person B and I, Person C, will have to hear alllllll about it allllll the time! Oi.

Also, also, why does Person A have to make things more difficult with Person D and Person E? Person A knows that Person D and Person E are impossible, don't know what they are doing, and make a mess of certain situations. So, Person A gets mad and steps back when all they really need to do is make a phone call that Person D was attempting to make for them which would make the call shorter, would get what was suppose to be accomplished accomplished, and no one would be mad at anyone else! Voila.

You know, this all boils down to one thing, one solution....I NEED A VACATION.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Silly me,

Baby-to-Be is......

A BOY!!!

I'm almost completely convinced in my family we can't have anything other than boys. At least it's definitely starting to feel that way....

Oh well, a boy it is and he is healthy and perfect and I am healthy so hooray! :o)

People Disgust Me

You know why? Because they are self centered. They are self absorbed. They are weak. They are pathetic. They disappoint. They manipulate. They lie.

Okay, so maybe not EVERY single person. Maybe just this one person who was suppose to be the closest person to me in the last six years or so. And what does this person do? Throws me under the bus for like the fifth time in two years. While telling me how much "our friendship" means and how much she misses the Gremlin.

Nope, sorry, try again. You don't deserve a friendship with me and especially not with my son. And you sure as hell will not have any kind of relationship with the Baby-to-Be. You are done. You were given chance after chance and proved you are not worth the fight. You are nothing to me now.

As angry and disappointed as I am with this person, they just made it so much easier for me. I don't have to debate anymore whether they are worth the time and the repair to the "friendship". I don't have to listen to them lament and provide a sympathetic ear. My job there is done. And I didn't even have to make the decision. They did it for me.

So, thank you. Your true colors are surely dismal.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I Remembered!

Wow, it only took me like a few days to a week for me to remember how to log in...yeah, blonde.

So I really wanted to write some sort of in depth post, however, I'm tired. Like bone tired...whatever that means. It will have to wait.

I will throw out a piece of news- I'm pregnant! Baby #2 will be here late July to early August. We are VERY excited and rooting for a girl. But as long as the baby is healthy that's all we can really ask for! :o)