Sunday, January 29, 2012

Moved On.

Nothing to say.
Nothing to feel. 
Nothing to believe in.
You have left nothing.
Nothing to dream. 
Nothing to remember.
Nothing to cherish.
You have done nothing.
No love.
No hope.
No desire.
No memories.
No laughter.
No smiles.
You were nothing.
Except a waste of time.
Except spent energy.
Except hurt.
Except tears.
Except trouble.
Except anger.
Except abuse.
You will not be missed.
You are gone.
You are forgotten.
You are unnecessary.
You are dismissed.
We do not need you.
We will be fine.
We will be loved.
We will be happy.
We will be complete.
We have found it all.
We have trust.
We have family.
We have home.
We have it all.
And you...
You are the one who has missed out.
You never were.

It almost feels good. That it seems to be over. There will be anger. Always. How do you walk away from a child? Who has never done you wrong. Who didn't ask to be brought into this world. Who gave you nothing, nothing but unconditional love. But it's better this way. It was an endless cycle with nothing getting accomplished. No purpose, no reason. And we're moving on. So in the end, it feels more good than anything. I'll keep telling myself that I tried. I gave my all. It's not my fault. It'll get easier with each passing day. And we have the people we need. We'll be a family (hopefully sooner rather than later....just saying....) and have a home. Just need to be more positive about it. Less anger. I tried.

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