Monday, November 12, 2012

*Le Sigh*

So here I am....failing at blogging....again. Meh. Maybe I don't blog much because I feel like I'm saying the same things over and over and over and over and, you get the picture. My life is a sad, sad, cycle of blah. Woes me.

Now that the pity party is out of the way, hi, how are you? How ya doing? Entertain me. This is why I need to get out there and make friends. Or at least come up with an imaginary one. I have too much time on my hands!

So what is there to update about me? Nada really. The Gremlin lost his first tooth. That was exciting! He's only five. Now as the tooth-losee I don't recall what age I was, but five seems young too me. But Gremlin's "big boy" tooth was nawt waiting it's turn. It wanted outta the gums and it wanted that right now! Gremlin was very stubborn about the tooth. He didn't want anyone else taking it out. He was going to do it. And he did, after almost three hours of complaining and dramatics. He popped that sucker right out! He was then very anxious about the Tooth Fairy coming to the house. He was wrought with worry that I was going to forget to put it under his pillow (in a sandwich bag) and then he was concerned with how the fairy was going to get in (the window was closed the doors all locked). Then after five minutes of his head laying quietly on his pillow....he sat straight up in bed and yelled, "Mumma, I do NOT think the Tooth Fairy is coming.". Gremlin, it has been FIVE MINUTES and you are STILL AWAKE! Sheesh. But come the Tooth Fairy did, complete with a note, and a dollar bill cleverly folded up as a paper football, tied with a curl ribbon. And boy did he/she leave behind a load of glitter!

So that brings me to the Gremlin Gem for this post- My mother was reading the note from the Tooth Fairy to the Gremlin and she got to the closing at the end which read "Sincerely, The Tooth Fairy". Without missing a beat Gremlin laughed and said "That's an awkward name for the Tooth Fairy!". Lol! This kid kills me! :o)